all I could do was laugh...

this guy…jiggering :rofl:rofl:rofl rarish :rofl:rofl:rofl OMG this was funny

wrong link



lock 1

this is your link.

lock 2

lock 3 ban 1

ban 2

Is this what you are trying to post? I havent watched it yet so I dunno if its funny or not.

i laughed more at you failing your link than anything else

why isnt this thread locked?

Truth, see you really should be a mod

^YES!! :rofl :rofl :rofl right when i saw you had the latest post i knew it was gonna be one of those pics :lmao :lmao :lmao

more like confuse and SUCK

Thats strange I ended up putting the right link but it goes back to the shift post so at least GDSkier got it up… Yeah this post was suppose to be a funny vid BUT shit happens it is kinda funny that it failed twice…

thanks for getting that to work