All that is MAN!

Plate says it all

shit… that guy is so hard i can forgive the primax wheels from 1998

lol that guys has been doing that for years, he’s been on the news a few times in detroit also, he’s an S2KI member

“For me, every day is a perfect day to drive with the top down. You don’t get to one thousand and seventy straight days with the top down if you think seven degrees Fahrenheit below zero is no good, or rain, sleet, or snow is no good“

Nope, in “all that is man” when some asshole tries robbing you at knife point you shank the fucker with his own knife.

:tup: to the s2k dude. Bald and no hat even.

I hate being so cynical. Try as I might, I can’t get myself to believe for a second that that actually happened. The only thing missing from this saga is the kid changing his ways after that night and graduating from Harvard with a PhD in social work.

does not belong in this thread… that’s wakc to do that to an R8

mind you, i’ve had friends do 100x worse than this at Darien Lake… it was crazy

:tup: to the S2k owner. That crow’s nest has to be frozen lol

No, what’s more likely is a week later he stabs someone. Which is why this shit only belongs in ATIM if the “good samaritan” took away the knife and stabbed the kid with it. :slight_smile:

As the kid hands the knife to he man he slowly turns and slits the kid’s throat.

“You truly are a stupid SOB, kid aren’t you?.. Enjoy the meal.” -Man

“Gurgle gurgle” -Kid

-All That Is Man-

the gurgle gurgle was not necessary… unghh… :frowning:

This thread needs a save

I present to you, bacon.jpg


Josh, you remember THIS?

hecka masculine on both behalf of both parties.

when you have 3 murders on the run, how do you get them from escaping into Mexico? You smoke one with a quad and fight him to the ground, then your partner grabs the other one in a choke and instruct his partner to “pussys on the pavement” at gun point.


border patrol doesnt fuck around lol
