Alpineskiier on the airwaves

Italy, Ireland… oh um Italy. :lol


Wannabe guido.

he’s half polish unfortunatly

Ima laugh when the chicks mostly polsih :rofl:rofl:rofl

She already made up her mind. Hes done.

steve is the man!

qtease: i dont really like skating
Steve: i dont think this is gonna work out


LOL the always say the asshole gets the girl, shes going with steve

yeah and this chic sounds trashy

The first girl is definitely cuter…if this one is Alesandra.

Dark liquor, like my skin. Wat. :lol

She didnt even chuckle…


omg dark liquor…

Like his skin


yeah shes goin with steve


Congrats dude…

But srsly wtf?

holy shit chris won!!

HAHAHA no shit

im tellin you its outa pity

10 bucks says he bombs the date

oh wtf her pic isn’t on the web site

Srsly how did he win thou?

I mean chris good for you man

but srsly, the odds were highly against you, you stumbled the first question, and sounded like an idiot the second one and third one

yeah i think they said he got Robin from toga

he was pretty cocky in the beginning tho, and he came off as a guido :rofl

:LOL wish i could here this shit, someone should of recorded it


Hes 25% italian, 25% irish, and 50% polish…

Far from guido… and yet i bet he has the itaialn colors somewhere in his car…