AMDISTHEBEST (awoodee 2junj vs. cowe wuzzo (20wrex09)

love that thing… lotsss of money and time tied up there though

then I will flip the whoop ass switch broski!

you gotta bring your car out in order to get in on it!

So what you’re trying to say is I should put my n2o kit on the 200???



wayne we need to get another race off as well

^ You two could race to see has the most intregy


fucking awesome- nice work nick

Not to put your buisness on the table your car runs good but it seems that missing gears is the biggest problem you have when running ppl. Is there anything wrong with the tranny or just driver error?

Googling pics/checking prices of 200 20v 5spd wagons now.

ugliest car ever… but hilarious. There’s a local one that’s been for sale forever

Do you see what I drive now? Lol. Idgaf.

Also I bet 73% of all the drive-bys in Europe are from a 200 wagon.

Just bought both.

It’s crazy to think I could have done all this to a wagon and it’d be just as fast yet 10-12% MORE ugly!

I’d say more like 15-18% ha

Its not definitely not the car, its me. I get a little too antsy and don’t focus on my foot work.

Or you have a car that is a bastard to get into gear quickly. My G6 is a cocksucker when trying to slam gears.