AMDISTHEBEST (awoodee 2junj vs. cowe wuzzo (20wrex09)

From approx 60 to maybe 110-120 (didn’t look really) and I’d say on that first run I was 2 on him.

hm no shit.

why rolling so fast tho? 60 with adam and 50 with corey? is the car not good from a slower hit?

Epic to hear you say that:rofl

It’s just what we ended up doing. I don’t like breaking transmissions so shifting less is nice, lol. Either way, 40 is cool, 20 prob, and it prob digs well too actually. I’m waiting on the digs though because I want the car to stay together for a show I’m going to next month. Then she’ll be hitting the valley and clicking off a 12.5 or better (my goal).

Side note, I may end up ordering a different intercooler setup tomorrow because I can’t wait any more for this damn Garrett core.

then lets do a 20!

I just hate to do anything faster then a 40 now simply because I need to shift every 5 seconds literally. Im in the process of getting rid of this gearing in a few weeks.

Cool with me yo. It’ll prob never stop raining though, lol.

lmao . skipped everything to the last page and read this . Fuckin dying ! haha

prolly. I guess friday its going to be the nicest day of the week. 60 and sunny but its going to be 38 at night then rain moving in. Shitty.

is the 200 awd or fwd?

Damn, I’ve got to work this weekend anyway. It’ll happen eventually.

And duhhh, it’s AWD. It’s an Audi homie, lol.

lol that doesnt mean shit! my girl was going to buy a 04 Cabriolet and it was fwd.

Yeah, It’s very rare that you’d see a front-trak audi. Especially in the Northeast. They do exist though. Now, not expecting you to know this of course but the 200 20v only came in AWD and manual.

well now I know lol

ANDDD They are only 1991’s and there were only approx 1500 imported to America (approx 300 were wagons).

hmmm no shit.

so if I beat you, then I took down something special. Thats what Im getting out of this. lol

IFFFF you take the 200 down…I will turn up the boost on the second run :wink:

hm… almost as rare as the 90q 20v… HA

They are not very common either, no idea the numbers though.

999 to the U.S. supposedly

OH wow! Now make it looks like this:

Can i get in on this?!?!