Amp Energy Drink

Does anyone on here have a friend or hookup I can use to get a Case of Amp Energy Sugar Free …I need it for an xms gift and cant find a case of this crap anywhere …thanks for any help

Call JRs Beer Warehouse and ask. They have similar stuff in bulk like that.

last place i seen with it was wal mart.


thanks guy Im really looking for a Case not the 4 pack that i saw at wal mart earlier but ill check around

they had a whole display that were by the case. they were selling them individually, but you could just grab the whole thing. they were on sale when i seen them. the cans had some nascar redneck on them. dale jr i think

I think he is sponsored by Amp.

Thanks Euro …Ill have to look into it …considering he likes left turn racing too…has to be a coincidence

I saw the same display …

good drink but wow $41. that’s 60 millers and 10000x more energy