Amy Winehouse dead

People need to start making these with amy winehouse

At the Reel Big Fish concert last nigh Dan Regan (their trombone player) said he killed Amy Winehouse because he needed new skin for his batman cape, so yeah that proves it was really her.

LOL Hardly the shock of the century. She was just another POS drug addict that squandered her talent.


What godawful ‘music’, would rather listen to country

Trashy bitch is dead. Same fucks given for the rest of the druggies dying at this very moment.


In other news, it’s jellies burfday. This time of year comes SO fast. Happy birthday braaah.

isn’t PJBs actual birthday coming up soon?

everything went better than expected

:lol at 1:30

Another member of Club 27 :ahh

Thank god another useless talentless coked out hack is done making god awful music!!! Just one less person to pollute the airwaves of radio and t.v.

Yeah except the world isn’t too saddened by this loss.

Her drug dealer must be beside himself with grief.

yeah because he just killed his number 1 client

Would’ve smashed before. Would’ve smashed with hammer after.

She was actually fairly attractive back in the day and some of her early stuff was decent it just didnt last long at all.

3rd set down on the left looks hot. I cant believe some of those pics are her. They are terrifying. She looks like the crypt keeper.

What he said. She had a wicked body.

Cocaine’s a helluva drug

Even Ilya woulda thought secretly about hitting it. You know it was good then.