annoying poll

does anyone give a shit about what shalerpunk thinks?

i voted yes. because I do.

you voted yes… because he’s the only person on here with such a skewed version of reality that your guys agree on shit.

take some.

drink some.

I voted no. Mostly because i dont care what anyone here thinks. Mostly.

:rofl: @ thread backfire


the fact that you’d,

a) make a thread like this, and,
b) you actually care about the outcome,

means you give way too much of a shit about what people online think. no one cares what anyone thinks on this board. i don’t come on here to have my opinions validated. do you?

that and he loves the cock.

what makes you think i give a fuck at all? i’m jsut wasting time at work waiting on shit…

like there aren’t 3 other threads riding my dick on here… get over yourself douchebag!!!

ok, I think im gonna see my way out of this lovers quarrel. :kekegay:

why… no :3some: ?

gas is too expensive.
