Another Dunnville Lapping on Aug 30th

Hi, everyone!

Let me start my thread by saying thank you for coming out on 17th. It was a one helluva day with variaty of cars joined and lapped together along with Great Korean BBQ on the site. It was a great opportunity for experienced drivers and beginners alike with instructions provided by Randy Sparee from BMWCC and Hanson International and Jon from Autodrome.

Next lapping date has been booked for end of August. Same crew, Same great food(Korean BBQ) and Same instructors will be there(Instructions are free of charge, so do take the advantage of it).

Location: Dunnville Autodrome

Date: August 30th, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm(most likely to finish at 1)

Price: $100(includes Instruction) + $20 for BBQ(Please do not ask to buy food if you have not ordered and pay for it. I order the beef according to the order I receive so amounts are limited to those who have paid)

Payment method is only by EMT(email money transfer-very easy done through any online banking)

This will be strictly under 15 cars total so it fills very QUICKLY.

so Please email me if you want to join,

See you on the 30th.