another jesus auction - this time hes on sheet metal

US $1,025.00

it’s obviously jackie chan

what a fuckrod

Thats Kevin Bacon,not jesus.


It’s Chuck Norris.

Its obviously Jack Palance

gene simmons from kiss. no jesus

goono no no… it’s Che Guevara

That’s not jesus. I’m seeing Prince.

I see Wolverine from Xmen

I think it looks like me :gotme:

hulk hogan…ftw


A football player?

" Hi I’m Kenny Rogers and this is Jackass…"

im seeing Chuck Norris :tup: Norris/Chan 08’ :tup:

This Piece has been seen on TV, Newspapers, Internet and Radio.

so how exactly has something get seen on the radio?

i can’t wait untill someone buys this and when it gets to their house it is rusted :slight_smile:

people amaze me :roll2:

OMG It’s Ethan Hawke.

Kudos to those who get the reference.

I’m seeing the Devil