Another newbie to this board...

welcome y0

Hott car and welcome :wave:

:wave: viper :tup: :tup: :tup:

too bad it is a dodge, j/k looks hot

come out this weekend

Hi! Considering I wouldnt know you if I tripped over you, you must be making an assumption about me. Let me remedy that:

Fuck you.

Now you can call me a jerk…



Not starting shit, just may as well actually give you something direct to comment on.

Oh, and back on topic… Welcome Marcus! Disregard the fact that you technically were here first! lol. By looking around, it looks like this place may be the (SQRT(Drama))… UBRF’s little cousin.

Here we go again.

87FOXGT- Not trying to start anything. I just figure that if someone is going to call me a jerk, (that I dont even know), I may as well actually give them something to call me it FOR? lol

newman hates you as much as everyone else because you START DRAMA OVER NOTHING

i was waking up eating breakfast taking a shower going to work and the such every day happy til NOW CAUSE I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD OR BURNINATED

Sorry to ruin your day, dick head. You know, you could always end yourself…?

Hey, Its what I do when I am bored. I was busy this summer, didnt have time to start too much drama.

i was waking up eating breakfast taking a shower going to work and the such every day happy til NOW CAUSE I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD OR BURNINATED

Sorry to ruin your day, dick head. You know, you could always just end yourself?

PS- Burninated? did you fail english or something? I cant even figure out what that was SUPPOSED to say.


This is Howie

Please don’t start bullshit here

Thank you

:tup: x 2

and welcome to nys.

Hey Final GTS I was pacing you and that Lambo or w/e the hell it was on Southwestern last week neither of you wanted to play :tdown: O well maybe next time :slight_smile:

Hey man! I thought that may have been you- should have stopped over at the gas station, I just had to run in and grab something before heading up the street to the Lambo & other Viper owners house for some drinks. Car sounds awesome :tup:

PS- Ignore how my car sounded that day… Melted a cat on the driver side and the passenger was on its way out- car sounded funny as fuck with one gutted cat and one starting to block. Oh well, whatcha gunna do when you cant get the fucking parts in a reasonable amount of time :tdown:

Hey Marcus looking to get a hurtin on GTS now after i gave the Firehawk a beatin!? lol ya the Cobra is still resting after that fiasco!