few parts installs on the Z

How’s it jumpy? I didn’t tell him you said any of that because it really has nothing to do with me. I was pointing out that doing that would be the same basic idea as what you jsut tried here.

referencing something I’ve said somewhere else to try and turn people against me.

So no I dont think there’s any cause for a ban I was stating that in my opinion you were being childish and an equally childish thing would be for me to say something to him about that.

but it has nothing at all to do with me so it would be wrong.

and where I saw that would be here

I’ve also seen you say things about being dissapointed in him as a parts producer when the tt.net and socal fan boys started with all of their copy nonsense without and proof even though he has all the numbers to show his manifolds do outflow the competition. And then you changed your mind after he spoke up. Should wait til you have the info before you jump on the bandwagon but we wont get into that, because you’ve obviously decided to go the ways of AMS with your manifolds and 725 turbos which were a good choice by the way