any juggalos here?

HAHAH people actually dress up lol

ROFL sherm owned this thread!

I heard an entertaining story of a bunch of skinheads (non racist) beating the shit out of a bunch of juggalos in atlanta at a big meet where there were two concerts in the same place, icp and skinhead festival…amusing tale

the “music” if you will, is amusing, but thats where it ends.

and i too, had relations with a " jugalette" … ugh.

I haven’t even really listened to ICP since I saw them in '98 in Rochester.

Every vehicle I have owned has had a hatchet man on is somewhere. Been to every show local in the past 11yrs. From ICP,Twiztid,Blaze,ABK,Esham,TechNine,KMK, etc. Thought about the gathering a cpl times. Something always came up. No matter what the topic there will always be haters, but somehow ICP sure seems to stir the hater pot. The lyrics are funny as shit…those who know dont need it explained, those that dont wont get it anyhow

Juggalos were “cool” before they found out the dark carnival was Church and to be a juggalo means you fallow god.

If you have ever tried to listen through the lyrics, that was a obvious assumption. So when they finally more or less said it with The Wraith it came as no surprise. Didnt change how I felt.

what the fuck is all this

hahhaha best post ever :beer2:


God Seriously?

Well just to clarify…Im a huge Esham, Natas, Technine, Twiztid fan…

mass retardation

yeah. those pics are not me. thats rediculous.


ICP turned out to be christian rappers?

Ya whats the issue? :2fingers:

In a pretty f’d up way…I think so.


