Anybody else see the U.S. credit rating drop?

Breach of contract is a good point.

but me paying the government to pay the rich to get richer is not.

The entire thing is a cluster fuck but honestly all the other countryies or even states I look at to move to in the US (because NYS is just as bad spending wise as the US governemnt) all have other issues that make life here this very moment not as bad as it would be somewhere else. Its just a scary future

I feel like life currently has become “Damned if you do and Damned if you don’t” a good chunk is my own mistakes but while everyone else gets all this help and shit from government because I am an honest person I have to bust my ass to improve my situation anddrag the rest of the nations baggage behind me. Its making a tough situation impossible with nothing i have done and its like that for everyone one I talk to and I consider my friend and I middle class workers