Someone making 50k can live their lavish life style too where another $1000 tax a year would ruin their finances and cause them to change how they live.
It happens at every income level, except for the rich it’s the easiest to adjust as you can settle for a 5 million dollar boat instead of a 10 million, while the poor might have to get rid of cable.
I find it funny you guys are calling me commie when the logic is above is against the commie principles :rofl
If you guys want to to defend the rich and think it’s unfair to tax them more one of two things have to happen.
Either you will be taxed taxed same rate as they are now (after all it’s only fair right) and you will live poor while their life style won’t change
Or they will be taxed the same as you, and you will be poor as the government will collapse.
You insinuated such in post #41 that someone who inherited money doesn’t deserve it because he has employees.
You can’t be serious? Maybe in russia you leave, guess you couldn’t handle your commie comrades where you came from. I don’t think you understand the principles on which this country was built. When you don’t like what your government is doing you don’t just leave. This is OUR country, not the governments. You vote in new representation, but unfortunately it doesn’t matter which party you bring in here they are both ineffective these days.
1 man one vote. quit voting in scumbags. I know at least one presidential candidate that wasn’t spoonfed cash and wanted actual reform.
Do you not understand how social security works? The more you contribute the more you get, so why would someone who is rich have to put in more money, they will only get less back for themselves, who are they hurting? its their own money.
Why do you blame the rich people, they are using the laws written by our lawmakers, if you don’t like it you are free to leave…
Actually for a lot of these “rich guys” recently its not his fucking money it is ours. Over half of the “rich guy” companies that are still around after 2008 have receieved government funding or bail outs to create “more jobs” or keep the companies a float. That governement money comes from our pockets and these “rich guys” while cutting their salaries and shit are still getting bonuses in the hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars a year for still running a failing company.
When the govenerment bails out a company for with $4 mill and then 3 of its CEOs get $500,000 bonuses and the government goes no bad company and thats it we have a right to tax those assholes more to get the omney back that we wasted on them in the first place.
What pisses me off even more right now is I get 25.36% of my paycheck taken out every week between Social security - which supposedly by the time I am 65 I will not recieve Disability - doubt i will ever hurt myself being a desk jockey but at least i know its there if i need it Federal taxes - not even going to complain I personally don’t think we are taxed to much compared to other places State tax- Ny sucks dick. lets pay asshole in the capital to order more couches for their offices to sleep while they should be working. wish this money went to more teachers, infrastructure repair and keeping rec facilities open year around
I claim zero single and even after that i still end up oweing money at the end of the year. This is bullshit. They need to do away with social security. This entire country has come to our generation supporting the leeches, the old, the sick, the lazy and we have no future. I honestly do not plan on having a child because I dont want to raise them in a situation where they will struggle when they are old cause they have to support “the countries poor decisions”
I was thinking the other night and I feel like the US government and nation as a whole is making the same poor financial decisions that I was when I was 18-20 when I knew nothing about anything and just wanted money for beer bitches and weed and didn’t care how I paid it back or how it affected my future. Now 8 years later I’m slowly digging out and wish i could punch my past self hard in the face
Who gave those companies bailouts? The government not the rich people. You actually couldn’t be farther from the truth, you can’t punish a person or company specifically after you bail them out, not only do we not have the right, but it is unconstitutional.
Read article 1 section 9 on the limits of congress
-No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
You can’t just pick a specific group of people and tax the shit out of them. Remember when they talked a bout a 90% tax on the bonus’ they couldn’t do it because not only is it unethical, it is unconstitutional.
What do you expect to happen when you bailout a company that has contracts with employees to get bonus’ regardless of performance? the companies will have to pay them.
Yeah I see what you are saying there. but then where is my companies bail out. because of this we lost close to $300,000 in sales in 2008 and maybe another 200,000 in 2009. we down sized and tightened our spending and expansion and no one got raises. Where is our governement hand out. If you are going to say fair treatment for all tax wise there should be fair treatment across the board.
24% of my income means i have to rent. means I am worried I will never own my own home until my parents die and i get theirs. 24% of an income in the millions means that person cant have 2 different summer homes. I think they should feel the same financial strain that the other 75% of america feels
but me paying the government to pay the rich to get richer is not.
The entire thing is a cluster fuck but honestly all the other countryies or even states I look at to move to in the US (because NYS is just as bad spending wise as the US governemnt) all have other issues that make life here this very moment not as bad as it would be somewhere else. Its just a scary future
I feel like life currently has become “Damned if you do and Damned if you don’t” a good chunk is my own mistakes but while everyone else gets all this help and shit from government because I am an honest person I have to bust my ass to improve my situation anddrag the rest of the nations baggage behind me. Its making a tough situation impossible with nothing i have done and its like that for everyone one I talk to and I consider my friend and I middle class workers
So instead of bailing companies with a ton of employees that would go under otherwise (even though some did anyways) in order to keep more Americans employed, you’d prefer the government to have given all companies money?
You’re not paying the government to pay the rich. You’re paying the government as it’s your duty as an American citizen and (as we all wish would happen) trust the government to make smarter financial decisions as well as paying the required government employees.
I personally never agreed with any bail outs. Failure is faliure for a reason. Failure should not be rewarded. It the the citizens faults for being greedy and spending more than they could afford. It was the banks faults for not being more fickle with their loans. I did the same shit when I was young no one not even my parents bailed me out. I took resposibility and worked more and spent less and paid my debts I sacrificed and lost things but am coming out on top. Now it affects us all instead of those who were involved. The needs of the few should not out weigh the needs of the many and you can not tell me that the people involved in these issues that have gotten us to where we are make up the majority
I don’t agree with any of the bailouts. None should have gone out. If i company makes stupid decisions then they pay the price. Unfortunately with the banks, the government helped and almost forced them to give out bad loans.
You can see clearly something happened in the mid 90’s to cause housing prices to skyrocket.
Here is an article in 1999 about how the government subsidized these bad loans and pressured banks to sell them. After all EVERYONE deserves to own a home right? even those who can’t afford one.
I wasn’t saying I agree with the bailouts either, but it’s not the first time the government has done them. Lockheed needed one back in 1971, Chrysler needed their first one somewhere in the '70s as well. The auto industry “bailout” was fine with me pretty much, as the companies have paid back most of their debt along with interest (income). To me the other bailouts were to delay the inevitable from happening.
I just don’t get how the government works anymore. I feel like its suppoed to work for the people but everytime we turn around we get 2 choices or two options that niether in “we the peoples” best interest or remotely close to what is good for us
In brief on SS, if that was true why do I pay SS when it will not pay me by my retirement? Why have a general fund at all? Have each person pay their own SS bank.
If you think one “pure” president can change the lobbyist influence and stop the financial impact on laws, you really don’t understand how money makes the world go round.
If you still think it’s “your country” you better go rebel as it hasnt been “yours” in a long time.
Are your parents rich? Friend? Grandpa? You about to inherit? Seem to be quite defensive of the group you don’t belong to.
My mother who is 55 right now received an memo from social security saying that in 2020 her SS fund will be cut from $910 month to $600 something due to the deficit.
I recieve an annual news leeter from SS stating how much i have paid and so on and on the bottom of the last one there was a memo that there was an 80% chance that by 2037 Social security would be completely out of funds and stated that it was due to the fact people are living longer now and that they were trying to pass legislature to cut back on letting wives collect their dead husbands funds if they were more and preventing children of sinlge parents from collecting their dead parents funds. All this was on a official document so its a little scary
None of the above quite the opposite actually, i just have principles which i believe in. I believe in capitalism, and I believe in the American dream, that if you work hard you can achieve great things. Now it seems that you should be punished for working hard and earning a lot of money. I believe in helping people that can’t help themselves, and not people that won’t help themselves, unfortunately helping one means helping the other.
A rebellion might not be too far off. It’s not just my country its our country, I’m not alone in by beliefs.
What does it matter if someone is rich or not, why is it so hard to understand that people should be taxed fairly, not a set % for people of different income?
Capital gains for example. Someone makes bank in the stock market, taking huge risks and then the government gets a huge chunk of it because it wasn’t earned like someone 40+ hours a week?