Anybody else see the U.S. credit rating drop?

Ideally, everyone would pay less. I know people would bitch “oh the rich are getting a tax break” or “the poor are getting a tax hike” but it’s what would be needed in order to restore fairness in the long run. For now, I’d like the rich (actually just business owners and the business itself) to get a tax break. Anyone who directly provides for employment of American citizens (for example Golub getting a tax break because they employ thousands of workers).

I’m right with ya man! :tbu

i would like to agree with you both but thats just not reality. I beyond bust my ass only to continually have things put out of my reach by shit the government is doing. Work 6 days a week close to 90 hours keep my email on my sell and answer phone calls well after business hours only to be taxed to fuck and then have to pay more at the end of the year. I have now had my student loan interest rates raised 3 or 4 times because of the bail out and now am already hearing about another raise in interest on one because of this last government fiasco. thanks to budget cuts I cant even finish my degree because I “make to much for financial aid” but I personally cant afford the tuition even for community college which has trippled since i originally attended. To top that off the housing market and lending market is going to even more shit thanks to all this so i continue to have no chance ever of buying a house because banks are either going to absolutely rape me interest rate wise or they just wont give me a loan because and I quote “due to your student loans being restructured from the take over by citizens bank your annual income can not safely support the annual gross payout to debt with a mortgage”

This is the American Dream

You know where you guys are wrong? You’re not thinking.

You know how the business owners got rich? People bought their shit.

You what Americans love doing? Buying shit. Even if it’s beyond their credit limit. Houses, cars, Billy Mays products.

You know what people will do with more money? Buy more shit.

You know how that will help business and the rich? Their shit will sell if 200 million more Americans have more money to blow on stupid shit and they don’t have to cheap out and buy second hand or eBay shit.

You know what cutting taxes to the rich does? Jack shit. They won’t randomly increase salaries. They could expand, but unlikely as they are already rich. They won’t spend any more as they already have everything they want, and even if they do it’s nowhere near the impact of the middle class.

And if the middle class go broker, the rich go broker as nobody buys their shit.

Do you not remember how the Stimulus plan during the Bush admin went? Americans got what, $600 or something around there and the government guessed it would boost the economy like crazy as they’d go spend that money on stuff. What happened? Nothing like that. Americans were saving that money like they have never saved before.

Dow up 420+ points today.

Thank God.

You can’t compare a one time lump sump vs full time more breathing room in every paycheck.

And speeding did marginally increase, not as much as expected but it did, according to that same study most people either saved or payed off loans. You know what loans mean? People are buying. Buying so much that they keep buying even if they dont have the money to buy.

Very few people save, plenty of studies on that and most people are in debt.

Tell me how many people you know that live modestly and never buy shit?

No you are most certainly not alone. I agree pretty much 100% with the line of thinking. America is suppose to be a country where somebody can start with nothing, bust their ass and make a comfortable life for themselves or their family. I’ll use myself as an example. I graduated from PSU with 2 bachelors degrees over a year ago and couldn’t find a decent paying job in my field. So I stuck with what I’m good at (mechanic) I currently work at a chevy dealer and make bank for the area I live in, so I bought a triplex and now live for free after rental income. In another 2 years once I can count the extra income for additional financing I’m going to buy another one. Nobody would give me a break so I’m busting my ass 6/7 days a week to make one for myself. I can honestly say 90% of the kids I went to school with aren’t this motivated. My generation is just plain lazy overall and wants shit handed to them.

Unfortunetly there does need to be a general increase in taxes, however there are people stuck working minimum wage jobs that literally can barely pay their bills(especially with gas at $4 a gallon) so any increase in taxes on their salary would literally push them over the edge. I could honestly live without say 2-5% of my paycheck. Would I be happy about it no, but if thats what it takes to keep the country afloat and start reversing the deficit so be it. So realistically their needs to be an increase for everybody making over a certain dollar figure relative to number of people being supported by that number. Does it suck, yes absolutely but sometimes life just sucks and you go on and deal with it.

Between the wife and I, we paid about ~80K in taxes last year.

For the record, I understand taxes and want to pay taxes. We have to pay for infrastucture, social services, etc. I just think I pay WAY too much and NY/NYC takes a lot of the blame as well. In the end, middle class is starting to disappear. There is just too much of a seperation between the rich and the poor.

Glad you chimed in.

You are quite familiar with the city and the money are is viewed differently there by the rich to the point where while we don’t check transactions under $20 on our bills, they don’t check them unless they have a comma in them.

How do you think it would work out if they all paid the “fair” as proposed by our members, or let’s say the same tax rate as the median income of a working man in US of $29,000 (as of 2005 census), also how do you think our economy will deal.

Edit: Disclaimer: Screw taxation all together if the government can’t get their shit together, they don’t deserve our money at this rate.

Found this gem

He told the committee that he recently compared how much he pays in taxes in terms of a percentage of his salary to what his employees pay.

The results? **** says he pays 18 percent of his salary to the IRS while the rest of his staff pays nearly twice that — 33 percent, a lopsided equation that put ****in a Robin Hood frame of mind.

“Frankly, an economy where my receptionist pays a lot higher tax rate than, than I do does not strike me as a just economy,” he told lawmakers.

**** has challenged the elite members of the Forbes 400 list to do their own calculations and compare their tax rate with their receptionists, and then consider his challenge that the rich should pay more.

“I see nothing wrong with those who have been blessed by this society to give a larger portion of their income to the society than somebody that’s working very, very hard to make ends meet,”

Replace the asterisks with Warren Buffet

Maybe equal tax isn’t a bad idea, at least they will pay more by matching the % that middle class pays :rofl

i thank god i dont pay SS.

Which in the end takes taxes, most of which do not come from the rich, to support private businesses, owned and profited from by the rich. Why is it OK for the government to bail out a failing business? You don’t think another business can take its place to employ those people? You can’t call people “commies” and then say it’s ok for the government to intervene in commerce, denying others a chance to prosper with a straight face. If you can bail out business for the good of the nation, you can tax the rich more for the good of the nation.

I didn’t say at any point that the bailouts were a good thing. I just know what the government was trying to accomplish, and that’s all I stated. I also didn’t call you or Vlad commies, or at any point say that it’s ok for the government to intervene in commerce.