Anybody got a sweet digi camera and arent busy today?

i just wanna go out and take some high res pics of the new bike… if you wanna join me… give me a call



585 area code?! where r u located?

damnit, i have a pretty decent digi, and i want to come check out your bike, but im pulling a tranny all day and stuck without a car/bike still…

we’ll have to get some this summer sometime though

normally i would, but i have school tonight and way too much to do


im in holland and im goin to snap some pics of my truck…i just washed, waxed and got the new tires on… so im goin to the famous ho-land water tower to snap some. give me a buzz if ya wanna get a hold of me…604-5862…ill be out for a while

got cold… still got a temp… thanks for the offer… i just used my camera… btw… i live in buffalo now…

still sick but heading out to NT from buffalo… if anybody wants to take me up on my offer… i borrowed IEATPAINTS camera yesterday… found a nice place to take the pics… and SOB the battery died after 2 pics… doh
with the high res camera…

with my 3.2 mp

Nice bike man, what size motor is it?

636 cc’s