Anyone a Member of

I need your help…this particular ad came up in my searches on google…he is local, I want to talk to him about this blower.

can someone play middleman?

EDIT: I just would like his email to communicate, or for someone to give him mine and let him know I am interested (and no shipping involved!)

why dont you just register?

because I will never participate on the forums, and honestly all I want is a blower and to never be associated with cobalts ever again lol.


i joined there, talked a bunch of shit, then got banished. so i am of no help sorry lol

it is probably oo big for your focus but I have a M90 I could sell you.

price/condition/car it came off of? M90 is a little large…I’m looking for a unit that is very common so I can make more than one kit easily and the same. The cobalt/ion mp62 is the best bet right now…I don’t know how an m90 would do on a 2.0 liter 4cyl, and there are so many variants it’s hard to buy two of the same.

I bought it on here probably 2 years ago. I had a buddy of mine examine it and he said the rotors are in excellent condition. I want to say it was from a 01-02 GTP. I think it will easily make all the boost a 2.0 could ever use. I paid 100 for the blower, manifold, injecters, and harness. I would let the whole setup go for the same. I have a M80 from a supercoupe with mounting bracket (for a SHO) and a adapter to a 3" pipe as well as throttle body and IAC… I am not ready to part with it though because I think it will go on my SHO. The M90 I do not need unless I redo the whole thing to fit the M90. The M80 is too small for the SHO engine anyway… No I am selling the M90 with the gtp manifold ect ect

i am a member on there from a few years ago… lmk if you need me

i just sent him a message on AIM. we’ll see how long it takes to reply.

PM sent with info :wink:

I am a member.

lol because of my integra! lol god those dudes suck.

im a member, and have a cobalt.

Haha oh yeah

Thanks guys, I am currently exchanging emails with said seller :snky:

GV You suck :moon:

donkeyballs, you need a signature of a donkey in your car. make the car black too.

I never post on here just check and see if anything good is going on… And to harass GV :wink: