Anyone Doing the Corporate Challenge on 6/7?

i messed my ankle up in it last year…i was running on the grass and stepped into a big hole


wuss. just wrap it. ACE style


I’m resting it now. Just doing the elliptical, so I might be OK. It’s a tendon problem not really a joint problem.

I’m running…then drinking beer and throwing down some food afterward. I’ll be representing Fisher-Price.


I’m resting it now. Just doing the elliptical, so I might be OK. It’s a tendon problem not really a joint problem.


sounds like you need to rub some dirt on it :headbang:

just crutch it the entire way

representing the derrick co.

damn… 3.5 miles, I think like 3 people at my company could manage that, lol.

ill be there with my gas power scooter!

Most people dont run it, I would say about 50% walk, and another 25% dont even make that effort and just sit in the tents and drink.

I think I am going to just run bandit style and eat all the food in the HSBC tent like I did the years before


Most my company is going to run it, but we are all egocentric testosterone filled meat heads


um wat ? Everyone is a nerdy engineer lol

edit: thats right i said it, engi-nerds

I’ll be there, designed the shirts too.

lol… give my company a call when they have the Corporate “Taking the Elevator to the 2nd Floor Challenge”.

See ya after work if your running, or drinking

Ill be there rep. ME Engineering and I will actually be running it

I’ll be there working a tent or something…i actually have no idea what i will be doing … i was just asked yesterday to go, so i’m going and representing Frog Hair Indoor Golf and Marker Industries

i will come visit u

I’ll be there, look for the 40 person limo. Apparently we rented out the BrewPub afterwards, although I am not sure why since I heard the party continues at the park.


i wil be there…

i wanna do it :frowning: