anyone down for a little photoshopping competition?

you’re still not reading it…i was talking about the shadow under the car, just like i said it wasn’t done that’s why i didn’t crop the top, if it’s not done then why pick it apart?

HEY I have seen this before!

Its just like Pitracing :drama:

wow no other board has a photoshop comp just for the hell of it but pittracing? WOW you = teh smartest person i know.

actually I was refering to you having a contest and drama being involved :greddy:

i don’t see any drama :dunno:

So in other words, you mean to tell me thank you for pointing out the things you forgot about. :rofl::rofl:

how can you forget about something when it’s not even done in the first place? :dunno: i woulda kept going but every 10m my computer was freezing last night and it was 2am and i had to be at work in the morning so i said fuck it i’ll finish it later, i do belive i said it wasn’t done.

I guess you for got that you typed this :ugh2:

and that’s drama because…and that’s related to pittracing because…?

forget it moron. I was implying that you havn’t changed since being on Pittracing and you used to run these competitions on there also. Eveidently it was over your head or your head is up your ass.

K thanx bye.