anyone down for a little photoshopping competition?

i havent done one of these in a while

is the original image.

EDIT Never mind its showing now.

Ok So what do I win???

ROFL!!! Bravo!! :beer:

haha :bigok: :rofl:

a KICK in the junk!!!

Wish I knew how to Photoshop… i need a sig

Why don’t you just ask me? :rolleyes:


What’s Photoshop? :dunno:

Nice FSHOWCARS… now do that to the VW

:rofl: x2…but that is a funny photoshop fshow

we have enough of that pansy garbage around here.

hA hA… for the fact I don’t nothing like that… but ya the flowers would look great on your vw girl car… next time don’t show off your little BOV No body cares

what in the world are you talking about? :stupid:

the photo shop… No NOS or wing!!! :bowdown: :itr41: :itr41: :itr41: :itr41:

Here’s what i have so far, the mirror will be orange too my computer kept freezing last night, the whole hood will be one piece carbon fiber that’s why it’s still yellow.

:ugh: Too fucking low… and where’d the shadow go?

Some people should not be allowed to use photoshop. :ugh2:

some people should not be allowed to hit the post button until they read the entire thread they’re replying to.

if i left the fucking mirror yellow you think i would have gotten to the shadows? :rolleyes:

I wasn’t even referring to the shadow under the mirrors chief… the shadow under the car you convenently covered up when trying to lower the car.

Not to mention nice job forgetting to crop out the top of the picture from where you copied and pasted when trying to lower it as well.

And how about next time you find a picture to chop, you get something bigger than 300k :rofl: