
Looking for some high quality pictures of YOUR car to use at my disposal.

Just building a small portfolio on the side. I will not be using every picture that I receive, its whatever I feel I can work with.

Shoots available this summer.


**lets see what you’ve got, any photography/editing work is welcome.

I don’t have the raw image on my work comp but here

It’s…hideous! :rofl

oh and that first pic, although it looks cool and all…not a very high quality photo imo.

Wayyyy too dark and way too much going on.

Its just a sample. most pictures that I ‘edit’ only get a once over on contrast/brightness.

I know where all your shitty spots are on your car…

And I will expose them horrendously…

then take pictures and share them with the world

I like the first one, the only thing I would change is just to tone down the moon a bit.
I wish I had the STi picture that I did on my work computer, it’s a similar style.

Word, I don’t pretend to know much about photoshop…but that first one looks a little too ‘worked’…the 2nd one looks nice!

Cool by me, my door handles don’t even work. But at least it’s not a monster truck with stock wheels! :eek3

totally jk <3

Its only a monster truck in the rear now :rofl:rofl


holy kramerBIGbutts

Ilya, links dude. Links.

Seriously man.

Aren’t you a moderator? Fix that shit!

this is bullSHIT.

Relax children. It’s just a picture.

Get off the 56k and get on the cable. This is a photoshop thread…meaning pictures. Did you expect people to post 800x600 shitty ass resolution pics? Seriously?

What the mods should do is implement the add-on for use of the [media] tag. Some of the other vbulletin sites I’m on use it and it’s nice.

What difference does it make what bandwidth we’re on? You’d have to have like a 46" screen to fit those pics, it’s annoying.

You realize you can post links to hires, and give a lowres sample?

Then get a 46" screen :).

Don’t get so butt hurt cause your monitor sucks and you couldn’t fit my images. lol.

Relax. Again, it’s just a picture. I have my reasons for posting images instead of links.

I’m pretty relaxed, I don’t think anyone really cared.

I think you’re the one that got butthurt.

Back to posting pictures of your rides so this guy can use them for his portfolio.