anyone else going? edit: free grand bunt!

i wouldn’t go near that place if they were giving something away for free. you’ll probably catch the poor disease that’s been floating around.

hah me and all the mechanic’s are going for breakfast… probably lunch too

im gonna try and make it around 630 and get a raincheck and go back later that day

No way I’m going to miss this!


It’ll be packed with jobless poor people and/or old people…I’ll pass

Isn’t a grand slam only like 4 bucks?

It’s funny that they’d be jam packed from giving away a 4 dollar item.

lol like 3.95 … but yea

Free food and Dennys will draw a crowd worse than the DMV. I can’t be around that many cheap mother fuckers.

I just got back and it wasn’t that busy.

+1. I wouldn’t go if you paid me $50 and bought my breakfast. Not worth dealing with the hassle and the mob of scumbags who will be complaining that their free breakfast didn’t include a drink, that the service was slow or some other complaint because they’re typical looking for a handout assholes.

DUDE… I drove by the one in Fredonia on the way to work…

so many honkies.

+1. I bet the wait is like 30-45 minutes just to get in and get a 3-4 dollar meal. Sort of like back in November when Moe’s had free burrito day, there was an hour wait to get in for a damn 6 dollar burrito, wtf?

like I just said, no wait for me. I got out of work and wanted dinner and honestly no one is really open at 7 am so I will take a free meal when I can get one. :slight_smile:

Amen, nobody is mentiong how its a giant write off for dennys, so they will more than likely make money off this, because this many people ouldnt have bought one.

Plus they get all the free promotion, and it will probably be on the news which is like afree commercial.

It was a smart move imho

How is it a giant write off? If you mean write off as in huge loss then yes, but a loss to get good marketing is a good loss. This is not a tax write off.

I should have taken pictures of the street and parking lot across from the shop. It was really comical. Sometimes up to 8 cars in the left turn lane trying to get in there…for a 4 dollar freebie. Unreal.

well i didnt get to go 2 hour wait, btw is 4.95!

I tried to go this morning and saw a line out the door so opted for IHOP across the street. Fuck that…