Anyone going to see BB King?

Dec 2, Heinz Hall? Just got my tickets in the mail, orchestra, center, row T :bigok:

are u taking me :suggamomma:

saw him 3 times now, each time was worse, i mean the guy is awsome, but hes getting to old, third time he hardly played, just sat on his chair and didnt do a whole lot of anything but talk

he is playing up at 7 springs soon as well i want to go cause he aint gonna be around too much longer , i did here that he plays the first song then sits in big ol lazyboy

i saw him at the blues festival last year.

I saw him at his restaurant at Universal City back in 2000 w/ Eric Clapton, crowd of about 150 ppl, but yeah, he’s gettin old and I want to see him again before, well you know.

I’m guessing theres still tickets available?


just ordered my tickets today!