Anyone have a pocket bike?

I have this 06 that i modded up a bit:) Its got to be the fastest one around. it hits speeds over 100mph:lol: for real though if you think yours is faster bring it on:)

mine wont be faster but id love to get together with someone else to rip around.

Ive wanted one for a while now…i hear you can get little v-twins in them now. anyone got a website for these things

think youd get bitched at for ripping around chestnut ridge?


Does anyone know if i could rip this thing down Lancasters track:)? I bet it would beat 99% of the cars on here lol

For mods i took a 98 kx 60 w/6 speed and converted it over to the pocket bike. Everything even the pipe. Its liquid cooled too:) extended the swing arm out a few more inches to handle the 18hp. Changed over the chain and sprocket too the kx’s. Has a special rear sprocket made for this conversion. As far as the motor work i’m really not sure but i know it was raced and was modded.

This thing is just sick…for me to say it’s fast…it’s f-ing fast. My only problem is finding a place to put a gas tank lol. I think i’ll need to take one from a lawnmower

wheres crazy carl

Does he have one?

Yeah he does.

use a camelbak for a gas tank???

As long as it passes tech,odds are good on a tuesday or one of those street events that you could.i’d call tho.

I heard of guys putting KT 100’s in pocket bikes with no transmision. It sounds like you have a fast one. I am sure they will pass you in tech spec. for he day. Try to rig up a ignition kill before hand. They will be looking for front end suspension also. If you want to run it on a race track try Cherry Valley in Syracuse or Batavia.I do have a spare tank off an old DM.

I’ve got a kill switch on it:tup: as far as the tank…my problem is that it needs to be higher than the carb do to no pump. I used the original one to test out the bike but i had to remove the windshield in order for it to work. What i need is like 2 small tanks like 1/2gal or less. That way i could make a reserve. The kx did 62mph with me on it. I had a 14T sprocket in front and 44T in back. Now it still has the 14T in front and a 24T i had made up for the back.


i’ll get some later today…

i might be picking up a blata sometime soon… btw karls does 60 mph or something stupid like that… he races it, and im sure he’d bring it on :wink: lol hes ranked in the top 5 in the nation for his class when he raced last year…

karl how u doing…? i didnt see your post till now…

sorta off topic… does anyone here have any fast fiddys? aka… CRF 50. I have one with a 88cc big bore kit…triple clamp/bars…adjustable rear shock… ect…anyone else here have one??