so you assume your gto runs 14’s?
the word assume means shit!
so you assume your gto runs 14’s?
the word assume means shit!
learn about cars before you comment
hold on! anwser my question mr almighty gto owner… do you KNOW FOR A FACT that YOUR car runs 14’s?
lmfao, thats his new nickname, almighty gto owner
he ran away cuz he cant face the FACTS! he car doesnt run 14’s, it doesnt run shit, cuz it hasnt seen the track.
attn almighty gto owner:
dont tell people what they can and cannot do untill you know what the fuck your talking about
would you like to run me right now then, and see how many bus lengths i can put on you?
Attention! that doesnt mean shit! gto vs neon hmmm i wonder who will win??? well i could if you hit another wall
i asked you what your car runs! well what does it run???
o noes! you might damage your car, i do not advise racing of any kind. :nono:
difference between you and me is, when I’ve said “I’m going to run this” guess what, I always have
lol benchracing
more like calling my shot, confidence… but you can be a bitch and call it what you want to
more like
you’re calling a time you haven’t run…that = benchracing
i’ll run this AND I WILL
with one of the broken DSM owner’s pushin :kekegay:
i aint’ pushin nothin but my g/f
listen grey I will meet you in an hour and put 150 bucks on me beating you. that is almost as fair as you vs the neon. you wanna call out slower cars so will I then when you say no I will call you a pussy
careful i hear them gto’s run 14s
lol I know they run 14’s remember I put a 1/8 distance between me and a GTO at the track