I have a 360 I BARELY use, just the basic one, no extra memory, all wires and i think a 50ft ethernet, 2 wireless controllers, headset and keyboard for the controller, only have MW2 and it will come with my xbox live gold membership wich still have about 6-7 months left on it. Gamertag is OrangeSl1c3. Hit me up with a pm if interested
Haha, your jealous because I can pwn yo’ ass on MW2.
post a price it will help a lot
will take if its free ninety free
you dont know about my madd skilz…or lack there of. not a huge fan of that game. glws broski.
200 or b/o
New arcade sells for 150 in most stores right now.
Guess ill have to drop it to 150
how much you wants for mw2?
I wanna get rid of it all together
Still trying to get rid of this thing!
Why would you drop it to 150? thats the price the xbox is being sold at, you have other things your selling with it too
I know theres alot more with it my orig. price was 180 someone might get it within the week, unless someone else grabs it