Anyone Interested In Breakdancing? or know how!

Well i just wanted to see if anyone here are breakdancer or anything to that sort. Me and another board member [94clipse] have been breakdancing for a while and we wanna see if anyone here are any good at breakdancing. We wanna learn some new moves/pratice with other people. we gonna probably get a raqcuet ball room in UB Alumni arena becaues i think thats the perfect spot with some good hardwood floors.
Its gonna be every Thursday around 4pm to 7pm but this is just in a experimental stages lol.
if your interested in please post.

video tape it. and post.

used to be a long time ago with some good friends. as soon as we realised it won’t get us girls we stoped

its just for fun and staying in shape

I used to for awhile, just got my windmills down when we stopped

well moves me and silver gt can do/teach are windmills (forearm, barrells, nutcrackers, with and without using your head), flares, crickets, turtles, footwork, uprock, toprock, poses, combinations of the above

breakdancing :uhh: :hay: :eyebrow:

You would have liked the group I would break with sometimes. I was by far the worst, I only got decent once everyone else stopped haha. But I did have a pimp 1990 into a windmill into a freeze kind of deal that was solid near the end.


even i’m gonna say it…that movie sucked balls, except for the last 5 minutes

There’s always got to be a person that has to posted something gay…what a fruit.

i use to breakdance back along time ago

im sorry, but this is all i picture when i hear break dancing

its something lee hotti would do

those guys fuckin suck, and if thats the first thing you think of when you hear breakdancing ur just plain old ignorant…heres the real deal

people put alot of time and effort into learning this stuff so have a little respect.

im not saying it doesnt take skill…i couldnt do it, i openly admit that. im saying it looks goofy

So does a rear mounted turbo :wink:

so does u in my rear-view mirror :wink: if i can see that far

there were a couple guys practicing at the gymnastics place.

so does me lapping a car with more than twice my whp :wink:

(three times?)