Our washing machine stopped working last night, so today when I got home from work I decided to take it apart and find out what failed. The motor has a plastic gear coming off of it that then runs into a chunk of rubber that mates it to another plastic gear that mates it to the transmission. I assume the rubber is to allow the motor to turn for a second to allow it to build power to turn the transmission and heavy load of clothes. Well the rubber is mashed and and let the two plastic gears mash into each other at full load cracking one.
I need to find a place that services washing machines and will let me buy parts alone, then I can just swap out the bad gear. Anyone know of a place, most of the places just seem to service.
Shit… I somehow to get connected to an appliance parts service through lowes when I had to get some new rubber hanger things for my washer’s tub. I forget how though. Try calling lowes, otherwise there are a bunch of appliance repair places in the area. Give one a call and they’ll be able to get the part for you.