Anyone like these wheels on my XR

i say get a set of these( volk TE-37x) in this color.

or try to photoshop these ones onto your truck to see what they would look like
here is a bronze one I did…not a dark one though

i did my winter wheels for my vw in a dark gold. i think i have a photo i’ll post it if i do.

here is more of a darker bronze

bronze would look pimp!

that last pic does not look too good IMO

I didn’t really like the black either.

paint them the same color as the truck :slight_smile:

That would look retarded

i think the gold looks better than the bronze

couldn’t be any worse than the black or bronze IMO
that looks silly

yea, I was joking when I said that. :smiley:

oh well i am bored at work and gives me something to do all the color changes

rainbow :kekegay:

that one was a pain in the ass…

best one’s so far! second choice is gold

bronze volk TE-37x = teh win

I think some large chrome rims would look the best, probably not your style, but NONE of those other rims even look as good as your factorys. Try a chrome photoshop. Or just stick with the factorys. Its not a race truck, so why go for that look, it’s not looking to good so far…

I hate Chrome. WTF does racing and those wheels have to do with anything…I didnt know it had to be a race car to wanna put some wheels on it

leave’m alone > bronze > all other choices

I actually like the black. I think it would look nice with some black side mirror housings, and maybe a black exhaust tip.