black wheels
or stay silver
black wheels
or stay silver
black looks dead sexy
i like your silver ones
i think the black look pretty damn good
chock another up for black
black and pink are just a natural match i guess :tounge:
i like black but i love chrome id say go for the black ones
black makes your jetta look like a badass car but the silver just would make it look like a average jetta:D
i dunno, i like both, can you get a pic of the black ones that isnt in the grass?
silver the black just looks to ricey on the jetta
black = you know… i m o
gun metal.
Originally posted by Black_WS6
gun metal.
You hit the nail on the head! I was just going to say that would be the perfect balance between the 2. I think im going with a gun metal wheel w/ a polished dish on my car when I get wheels. I think stright gun metal would look sick on the Jetta, not stright black… thats played out.
Originally posted by SP71Supra
You hit the nail on the head! I was just going to say that would be the perfect balance between the 2. I think im going with a gun metal wheel w/ a polished dish on my car when I get wheels. I think stright gun metal would look sick on the Jetta, not stright black… thats played out.
Purple would go really nice with the pink. I agree with the gunmetal or black.
Originally posted by Jeff95TA
Purple would go really nice with the pink.I agree with the gunmetal or black.
:tounge: :tounge:
gunmetal would look great