Anyone live near Monaca?

I’m stuck up here for work for the next couple days and it’s boring as hell. I’m thinking of hitting badfrogs for 25 cent wings tomorrow night. Anyone in?

texas roadhouse… avengkid is a manager there… if you want to go up one night let me know.

i am about 20 mins away depending on how work goes tomorrow i may be interested in texas roadhouse

I’m 5 mins away. If something goes down let me know what time. I got plans but could grab a bite to eat. There is also Jerry’s nearby.

hmmmm Jerry’s that sounds liek a great idea

maybe team skinny will come out

What is Jerry’s? I’m up for something new. Anytime around 6 or 7 is fine, just let me know.

It’s a 50’s style drive-in diner. The girls come out to your car with a PDA and take your order. Then you can hang out around the car or sit and wait for your food. They bring it out on a window-tray and then you eat.

6 would be good for me this evening. But I won’t be able to stay and chit chat long.

Do they serve beer?

No, But the bronze eagle downtown does.

Nope, you’d have to go across the street to Jeffries or Kelly’s. Those bars are both very close by.

ehhh, when’s the last time you were there? They are not a bar any more. It is a full blown restaurant. Yes, they serve beer still - but not in a bar type way.

2 months ago. they had live entertainment and still had 4 pool tables.

Had a full bar.

This happened <1 month ago. Maurer was there one saturday. Sunday we went to go there and they had a sign on the door that they were closed for renovations. Now its restaurant only.

:rofl: that sucks, seemed like an alright place to hear some live music and play some pool.

I am going to go to Texas Roadhouse at 6:30.

Midway bar Might have thier every other wednesdays car show today . down the hill from beaver valley mall.

Cool. I can take the company Tacoma and do some burnouts. :kekegay: I am going to head out and see where I end up. Going to dinner alone FTL.