Anyone miss?????

the hotties section? :sadwavey:

Originally posted by Black_WS6
the hotties section? :sadwavey:

pahris hillton ownds u

Originally posted by Shaggy
pahris hillton ownds u
I have the first one that looks like it was filmed in Baghdad with night vision.

supposely theres a angelina jolie (sp) one out now, :dunno:

I found the Paris one annoying. Too much playing it up for the camera, just like her show on Fox. Seems like too much of a coincidence - tape comes out, show comes out. She’s being thrust at us. Uh, huh huh… i said thrust. :boink

Originally posted by Jeff95TA
Seems like too much of a coincidence - tape comes out, show comes out. She’s being thrust at us.

x 2

similar to the american idol thing. i’m glad they had a horrible movie

"From Justin to kelly ":greddy:

yup,but when i do i go see my WIFE!!!:smiley:

why is it gone?
the Hotties section

it snot

u gotta pay to see tities

is my 1 year membership up already?

i still c it

add a year to the fucking day you paid and take a wild guess!

I see hotties!

i forget when i paid

well apparenty it was more than a year ago. so pay again

here’s some hotties… *NWS

You should have gotten a notification that your 1 year mark was coming up, please confirm Whitey…

dumbasses if you are an admin or mod you can see alll the forums
