Anyone play Counter strike anymore?

this new steam shit is retarded. i miss the old days where all you needed was a won id.

As soon as I get into my new place, I’m sure i’ll try to connect to play some CS. I bought a retail version of CS, so hopefully I’lll still be good to go for what hannibal64 is talking about. :dunno:

i moved onto Day of Defeat. Its more challenging

Raven Shield/Athena Sword is where its at

CS > every first person shooter game EVAR.

duke nukem 3d > doom > new aged bullshit > *

original quake>any other wanna be multiplayer FPS

Duke Nukem > Unreal TE > counter strike

lol who remembers

c:\DUKE3D\setup.exe -r

:rofl: or aren’t you guys l33t enough

i do i do!!!

i think i know what your talking about is the the duke you have to play in dos or something if so i still have it somewere

CS source is out soon…

Pretty much CS on the HL2 Engine… from what I have seen it looks stellar.

I like the Xbox version of CS better… no cheats. THe control is teh suck, but once you get used to it its fine.

day of defeat has been out forever. i played it as a beta like 3 years ago.

i love day of defeat, avalanche all the way

l33t enough to remember 10 levels of Wolfenstein 3D on a single floppy running on 386?

Wolfenstein > Math Blaster + :idb:

wolfenstein is an awasome game i liked going in the secreat room in the last lever and geting all the wepons

Duke Nukem >


i remeber wolfenstein on the 386 i was only a little kid but the game rocked… than came the classic doom. anybody remeber playing two player modem games of doom?

ps. cs on the xbox sucks soooo bad if you allowed youself to get good at that game i feel bad for you