anyone remember that commercial

that had nelly’s EI song playing in the background as 2 business men were in a monte carlo stuck in traffic and as the passenger kept trying to drink his coffee the driver keeped stepping on the brakes to the beat of the song.

does anyone know what that commercial was for?

I think it was a GM car commercial

i thought so too but i don’t think they were advertising the monte carlo if i remember right i htought it was a coffee commercial or an insurance one

get the youtube link you dick

im looking for the commercial you fuck.
so how would i have the youtube link if im looking for it? :smash:

here is a GM transformers commercial to hold you over

it was for the monte

here’s a commercial we all should watch.

LOL^^^^ at that commercial

links to the monte carlo commercial?

bump god damn it i need this vid

Yes, but all the played in the commercial was “…In a black SS with the Navigation…” then it cut right back to the chorus, it was a GM commercial for the “new” Monte Carlo SS.

yeah i can’t find vids or audio of it anywhere :frowning: i really wanted to see/hear this commerical again

anyone can find this or no?

01AudiS4 do you remember what year that was at least when the commercial came out?

I especially like this one because I know someone who is getting charged with assault with a deadly weapon for doing it.

AHAHAAH i love that one thats great!

awesome sprint