anyone use the "gimp" editing program?

having a problem with mine, no matter how many times i try and reinstall it, i still have the same problem

whenever i’m creating an image, and try to put text into it

i select text option, click where i want it, and as soon as i try to type it crashed the program

any ideas?

gimp? In Linux?

nix or windows?

I’m assuming it’s Windows… Uninstall The Gimp and GTK+. Then download both from and install…

yea its windows, i’ll try taht and see what happens

dude, I’ll give ya my “30 trial” CD of photoshop :stuck_out_tongue:

i looked all over last night and couldn’t find ANY of my photoshop cd’s

i know i had 5.5 6.0 and i think 7.0, maybe more who knows, but they are all GONE!!!

just ask anyone at UB photoshop they can have it to you in a jiffy, maybe two jiffies