Anyone wanna grab a few beers?


Well… I’m going to have a few over at my little sisters…

I don’t drink much at all but after the crap I was dealt today after being gone from work for 1 1/2 weeks… I NEED something to pick me up a bit. Stupid insert possible racial slurs here.

I work with a bunch of foreigners… go figure that they single out the white girl… :lol

man i got a craving for some Hamburger Helper!!!

it’s pretty cheap to make but AWFUL for your body… lol

I just listen to my brother for 2 hours telling me he wanted chicken tacos lol

then he tried to tell me that quasadillas and tacos are practically the same… lol what an idiot LOL

I would love to go tanning. It must be relaxing as hell.

Throw on my noise canceling earphones with some Sublime and pretend I am on a beach or something.

I am tan enough though…

Oh and I am between jobs at the moment (I don’t start my management job @ Collegiate until late winter/early spring) so I could go for beer.

NYS-funded alcoholic beverages. Think of the possibilities :lol

too late… i killed a bottle here with my sister and brother… LOL whoops… it was only supposed to be a drink or 2… oh well… I feel better…

Paul said you should come over some night to hang out. He’s home again on Thursday night until Sunday afternoon.

I’m down.

Do you have any single friends for me? Not only am I jobless atm but I am also girl-less.

ps i have high standards :lol

Not like you can use em!! Oh snap!

hook him up with Stephanie (the one that wouldnt leave John alone)

I can ravage their vajeens if I damn well please.

I may or may not be able to fill their mouths with man batter, though…

She’s not single anymore lol but yeah after the conversation that she had with some of you at the lot I think we can leave her alone

umm maybe… how old are you again? lol I might have a few younger friends (or a sister or 2) that would be closer to your age… unless you like cougars LOL

I’ll be 21 in October :lol

October is a year away! LOL oh man… LOL I’ll see what I can just happen to have over when you come over… LOL

I demand photographs pm’d to me or else

I will… let me see who I can get and then I’ll send photos

Me too. I am older than him, and more single.

LOL we will see… lol I know Chris… I don’t know you … so it’ll be kinda hard to say to my friends Yeah he’s cool shit! lol

why am i always the match maker for you fucks?
