Anything goin on tonight???

Anything going on tonight 04/06/2011 kinda a decent night just looking to c if anyones out and about?

I’m down if there is… hopefully people don’t mind pine needles and acorns flying off of my car because my portable garage collapsed and the bitch is covered lolol.

There’s a cruise/meet setup for tomorrow night as well Mazda, feel free to join in.

i work 2pm to 10pm maybe i can swing by if u guys r still out and about

There is?

tomorrow is thursday adumb

i’d come out for a little bit

Ill come out. No school work and don’t hafta get up early. Woot

He gets his days mixed up, I think he’s talking about friday.

you sound like a father defending his slow child

im out crusing route 7 and route 9 up to like exit 10. lets do something!

Well today is my Thursday, as I get out of work then. 3rd shift fucks with your head lol.

So anything?

He’s a slow child alright :lol.

I might even be his father idk :wink:

+1. You guys going out Thursday or Friday night?

Dude you suck at dates/days. :rofl :rofl

adam was already installing nitrous in his 5.0 and he inhaled some so he got his days mixed up

Seriously dude, my jobs totally fucks my day orientation up lol

was a fun night ! thanks for comin out !

Had fun