Anything going on tonight?

The weather looks like its going to be clear this evening and I need something to do.


count me out Ill be in class till 1:30am

im goin to the gym at 7!


working on car tonight… :slight_smile:

Rephrase: Anything going on held in the public eye that one might attend or participate in to pass some time.

Trying to get away from me tonight? :hs:

Going Ridin

Tomorrow it’s supposed to be 89° with a 10% chance of rain… I think it would be better to go riding tomorrow.

Cool where at?

I am into work but then I have to come home and baby sit the dog…


buccos have a double header tonight

Wahoo! 2 more losses tonight. way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone!


maybe they should just forfit then go sit in the stands and drink beer with everyone esle :dunno:

yeah. or just have them get drunk and do Kareoke on the dugouts

I’m stripping tonite…

Paint that is, off my blazer… Anyone want to get a wire brush for their drill and come help out?

Probley Meet Out Sp Then Who Knows Were Fron There
