anything going on tonight?

yeah I don’t think I’m going out tonight
Siena is on at 9:40…gotta stay home and watch them put the shakedown on Ohio State. :number1


“HEY its k20 from the forums!”


Haha, there was no need to have the badass look on your face…could’ve just been like “what’s up”


thats how i look.

i was thinking to myself, “y the fuck is this civic pacing me?” then i see its u and well duh thats y.


Ill probably be out after 9 with the truck

S I C K i cant wait to check out your bone stock truck with your maddd custom graphics

Dont be hatin

I was there for a little bit. Then I got cold and hungry so I went home. I got a good laugh out of all the morons who feel the need to rev up their gay ass cars, then take off farting down the road.

I should come out more often… I can only imagine how many jerkoffs are there on a nice night :rofl

You really should, most of the time it’s a good time there

some crazy moments tonight :ohnoes:ninja

Car get-togethers=‘omgz watch me!!!’

Im guessing atleast some involved a Porsche?

I saw it at Nick’s house on my way home last night.

ill be out tonight in my yukon only $100 for gas there and home lol jk its going to be fu fu fu fU**ING COLD

37 degrees according to my thermometer in the kitchen… hmm…

You guys still heading out?

i ant doing shit tonight. im staying home and getting lit on an asortment of high alcohol content beer