APEXi Air Filter

APEXi Air Filter

Bought it used but never used it myself. Came off an S15.






Upp Up and Awwwasaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Omg Wheres Your Boxing Day Sale Price! Come On, Ive Been Waiting Since Last Year For Your Filter To Go On Sale!! Omfg Omfg

Ok Mark,

ONLY for you
ONLY today



Price drop $60


buy it

how used is it? I hear they are the best… I saw that intake test. do you have an adapter for an s13? also can you clean them? I thought you have to replace the element??

I have no idea how used it is. (I’d say 5000 - 10000 KM?)
The guy I bought it from never used it, and I never did either.
The adaptor can be had from any performance store selling Apex’i gear.
You can clean them, yes. Nor I or the previous owner did though.

hmm you use the K&N solution minus the oil? any idea how much the adaptor is?

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