Appreciate all the welcomes

Whats up everybody just wanted say i appreciate all the welcomes to the forum… looking forward to getting my name out there meeting some people and doing some cruisin. After reading the posts i dont know if being friends with skunk is a good thing or a bad thing (haha). good guy nonetheless. hopefully ill be out more often after i get more comfortable with the bike …

aaron loves the wang

<3 u skunky


just get comfortable riding the thing and start coming out :slight_smile:

gives you another hobby for the summer

Friends with Skunk is a bad thing. You will be ridiculed for admitting you are his friend.

I feel sorry for you.

That is all…

i’m not sure if it’s hilarious or sad that i consistently seeing n00b threads questioning the protocol of admitting to a social relationship with skunk.

lol dick

lol it’s a good thing. He’s just managed to somehow fill the role of NYSpeed’s favorite joke-butt. Er, butt of jokes. You get what I mean.

but you all still <3 me soooo much

i think you’re a loser.




[09:10] SkunkApe: i hate you sometimes
[09:10] SkunkApe: ok i lied
[09:10] SkunkApe: i can never hate you
[09:10] SkunkApe: you’re so lovable
[09:10] SkunkApe: :gay2:
[09:10] SkunkApe: ok im done
[09:10] christian: i’m posting this u fag
[09:11] SkunkApe: you WOULD


wow this thread is pretty gay’d up…

all i got out of this is aaron is once again a fag

here’s some more threads that indicate the same thing:

aaron is gaying this thread up, meanwhile zong and I receive infractions for going OT in this GA forum. stupid gays!



welcome btw bro

welcome man. i am somewhat in the same boat you are so i can hang out with you if you are out and about for the rides

i’m comfortable enough in my sexuality to admit that i had a few beers with you a couple times and enjoyed it. i’m not sure why i blacked out after 3 beers and my butt hole hurt in the morning, but i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.