April Fools Hoax Thread

Post what you find. Ive always loved Google.

Custom Time: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/customtime/index.html

Google’s other lame one:

The one they did last year about the toilet based high speed internet was so much funnier.

Yea that one isn’t that funny. They had the moon office one about 2 or 3 years ago that was actually really believable and people were sending in resumes and everything for.

did maddox do one? blocked at work


  • see into the future
  • god i love this site

oh ya. and the nsa encryption shirt on think geeks website took me 3 seconds to decode. in my head.

Not bad. “Snoop fix at Six”.

So what does it say?

this one is pretty good:



wireless helmet :lol:


how about the thread that said that amy winehouse was at some point hot


for today only

oh what a fool i am

Oldsmobile name was bought by Toyota…


i dont see it… I guess i am not a leet nerd.

How did you get to the end result?


Click on any of the FEATURED videos


It’s always a pain in the ass to try and read Slashdot on April 1st. A couple years ago right after Google Maps had been launch one of their fake articles was that Google’s new satellites were rounding the earth taking pictures and that each time zone would have their picture taken at 11am, so everyone should go outside and hold still or display a message for about 5 minutes so they’d show up on Google Maps.

A few minutes later as I lay on my deck thinking it’ll be sweet when I show up on the map, I realize I’m a dumbass and go inside.


He could tell you, but then he’d have to kill you.