Arm wrestling with Mr. Dark [split]

Someone find me where this puts lives , I wanna see him trip and fall on accident of course lol . Oh and pitman your either dumb as shit or have no clue , butt your close to finding out how much I love dealing with problems .

L:crazyL [COLOR=black]@ [/COLOR]P:bananaTMAN

So Robert "pitman " ya still live a little south of momentive on rt 32 ?



yes i do. its public infomation. i can easily post yours too. and your familys shit its easy to access nowadays. one of them might fall or trip if i accidently do. i dont think youll want that. any one can play these games. childish shit. if you have beef lmk ill take a burger

you act like “the man” on the pc just putting this out there. im not into starting violance but if i have to defend myself i will do so. if little words work you up so quick idk id think you need some help on that. but if your planing on me “falling and hurting myslef” ahahah thats a good one. i stretch multiple times a day and im in pretty good shape for a 330lbs 6ft4 man. not fittest man alve but im not fat bench press 400lbs+ squat 800+ leg press 1500+ naturally. and i dont back down to anybody. if you really want to “beat me up” do it thats all i can say. 1on1 im down. jump me of course youll win. just dont expect me to do nothing. if i loose thats fine i can live with that. if you loose i dont know if you could you seem weak. you have a big rep to live up to and i hope your as “bad ass” in real life as you are online. im not picking a fight at all. im just tired of your shity comments so i replied to your posts with your style. cant take it?

try to scare me with public shit lol. do some more research and check me out. lmk what you think. wrestling, boxing, kungfu, jiu jitsu, street all under my belt so i know how to defend myself. but i could never attack only defend. thats the law. unless i was fighting for a job. and ive been trained by professionals that are also family and close friends. i have cousins that fight in the cage for a living. im not saying im as good as them i have loads to learn but i learned enough to defend myslef.

if i “trip” ill know who to blame now

heres a vid of one of my lighter cousins [ame][/ame]

That was the gayest comeback essay ive ever heard. Especially after provoking him.

he started this sir. read a little more in other threads

Nobody likes you. Why just make it worse?

I know kung fu

damn you speak for everybody? my intentios were to make it better not worse. he seems like a good guy but he doesnt act that way towards me. just because i think out of the box he jumps too conclusions. i just gave him some of his medicine.

good its a great tool

so are you.

thanks i feed off this shit

Hmmmmm your this mad cause I called u a herb ? Cool shit . I’ll see ya around I’m sure .

[quote=pitman;920348]yes i do. its public infomation. i can easily post yours too. and your familys shit its easy to access nowadays. one of them might fall or trip if i accidently do. i dont think youll want that. any one can play these games. childish shit. if you have beef lmk ill take a burger

you act like “the man” on the pc just putting this out there. im not into starting violance but if i have to defend myself i will do so. if little words work you up so quick idk id think you need some help on that. but if your planing on me “falling and hurting myslef” ahahah thats a good one. i stretch multiple times a day and im in pretty good shape for a 330lbs 6ft4 man. not fittest man alve but im not fat bench press 400lbs+ squat 800+ leg press 1500+ naturally. and i dont back down to anybody. if you really want to “beat me up” do it thats all i can say. 1on1 im down. jump me of course youll win. just dont expect me to do nothing. if i loose thats fine i can live with that. if you loose i dont know if you could you seem weak. you have a big rep to live up to and i hope your as “bad ass” in real life as you are online. im not picking a fight at all. im just tired of your shity comments so i replied to your posts with your style. cant take it?

try to scare me with public shit lol. do some more research and check me out. lmk what you think. wrestling, boxing, kungfu, jiu jitsu, street all under my belt so i know how to defend myself. but i could never attack only defend. thats the law. unless i was fighting for a job. and ive been trained by professionals that are also family and close friends. i have cousins that fight in the cage for a living. im not saying im as good as them i have loads to learn but i learned enough to defend myslef.

if i “trip” ill know who to blame now

the bolded parts of your comeback make you look like a fool for the following reasons:
a. you call slowmaro childish and that you can play games, look at your redic response
b. you talk your self up with fighting and training styles
c. you call slowmaro weak…which is reciulous in what this “issue” is about. just because you thing your strong at a pavement shattering 330lbs…u have issues if you think that can protect you
d. you bring your strength into this, which has NOTHING todo with arguments of any level…and not to talk shit but your #s suck for being 330lbs(ur squat is ok if your not suited)

i have no personal issue with you, but you seem to be alot more touchy then he is with this repsonse…

also im not speeking for paws, hes just my friend:hug

Dude you forgot he has cousins that fight!!! Better watch out!!

im not mad at all. and this wasnt the first time you talked shit on me but im going to stop posting here. look foward to meeting you too. world is a small place were bound to bump into each other sooner or later. you seem like a good person just not to everyone. i say treat those how you want to be treated. if you see a guy aroud my size mohawk and huge beard its me. say hello. i dont hold grudes. just respect me and ill respect you simple


sidenote, this guy could step on me and crush me like an ant!

hahah funny i wouldnt ask another man to interfer with my problems. i can kick ass i just choose not to. i like defense alot better.

and i also fight just too heavy for most events but i still train my ass off body and mind.

you should of said watch out for pitman youll never know whats up his sleeve

So much little dick ITT.

im waiting for him to say its illegal for him to fight cause hes considered a deadly weapon with his mad training