valid points and i agree with some of them. i gave him some of his own medicine.
im nowhere near my max potential for lifting. wait until i start with my gear. thats my natural numbers. and my numbers might suck but they do great against most. im still young i have a lot of learning ahead. numbers are just numbers we all know this.
saying i might trip on accident is like saying he was going to stage it to seem as a accident or atleast thats what i got from it. so i will defed myself as best as i can. if he comes here to accidently trip me itll be on. im sure he knows this. just like if i went to his house and accidentially tripped him. he’d be pissed and i would expect him to defend his shit. just as any man should
i might be touchy but everyone has a breaking point. a guy randomly saying my whereabouts and saying i might just trip is funny to me. so the only way to equal it would be to do the same. thats why people shouldnt make comments like that. if anything happens at my house ill think it was him now.
i will always believe in myself no matter what you say. i feel im strong so i am. i can improve tho i never once said i reached my max potential. constant improovements over here i dont about yourself. i change daily
and i understand i would help a friend over some random guy over the net. but just show me respect and youll get respect. if you trip me ill trip you. but i will never trip first. im better than that. ive learned to control my body and not use it for destruction. id rather build,teach,learn with my body. i can easily smash the average guy thats why its more illegal for me to use my body in attack. im trained to defend if my body is at risk
lol so touchy about anybody saying anything. Im just here for the shits and giggles and to watch this. I honestly am not trying to get anybody started, but its just too funny not to be involved