ASAP 12/14 ~ Officer K and I are hungry

who wants food?


were hungry

:rofl: at this sad thread

just hold off for about six hours

too late … worky work @ 9am for me

where are u guys


hmm so am i, wanna go out on a date

sure, why not

where u guys thinkin of goin?

i dont know, im not picky. I just want food, any type of food …

ahh too late, i just spent 3 bux in the food machine. maybe next time fellas

ah you suck

What’s skunks favorite romatical place? I wanna make him uber jealous!

romantic and skunk in the same sentance?

coooommmmmmmmme on come eat and then go to O


im so hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyy

i cant leave the house, dainielle make me a pb&j sammich

steve shut up and go to sleep

im not the sammich bitch

no where cheap to go

im inbetween naps, i already slept through 80% of the day. and if i do recall correctly a trip to clifton hill, you are the sammich bitch

i dont care if its cheap or medium priced i just want food in me and my parents suck at grocery shopping, and im to lazy to go to the grocery store