22’s are for my grandmother, grandfather, and dog who all died on the 22 of a month. It’s my most recent.
the grapes and the U-thing are symbols for greek gods (sort of yin and yang-ish) god of wine and revelry;Dionysus vs. god of truth, music, and the arts;apollo. they were subjects of some art works of mine.
yeah, i see what ur sayin… katie cut it that day in the pics so the sides are shorter, which makes the longer length down the center stands out more.
i have a lesbian aunt so it wasn’t really a big deal. My family rocks my socks!
for about as long as i’d consider being plowed by you… which is to say, No.
this is a factuality about my homosexuality!
ok, part one: no.
part two: this is tricky. I’d say if a chick gets off, she’s no longer a virgin. and clearly if she is penetrated i’d say she’s not a virgin also.
part 3. freaks me out.
if i was i’d never leave my room.
about the same as here… hazy, fucking hot, and humid as fuck.