:rofl best question so far!
drunkie comes in and knocks it out of the park
whats the weather going to be like in El Salvador tomorrow?
22’s are for my grandmother, grandfather, and dog who all died on the 22 of a month. It’s my most recent.
the grapes and the U-thing are symbols for greek gods (sort of yin and yang-ish) god of wine and revelry;Dionysus vs. god of truth, music, and the arts;apollo. they were subjects of some art works of mine.
yeah, i see what ur sayin… katie cut it that day in the pics so the sides are shorter, which makes the longer length down the center stands out more.
i have a lesbian aunt so it wasn’t really a big deal. My family rocks my socks!
for about as long as i’d consider being plowed by you… which is to say, No.
this is a factuality about my homosexuality!
ok, part one: no.
part two: this is tricky. I’d say if a chick gets off, she’s no longer a virgin. and clearly if she is penetrated i’d say she’s not a virgin also.
part 3. freaks me out.
if i was i’d never leave my room.
about the same as here… hazy, fucking hot, and humid as fuck.
Do you ever leave your room?
have any hot Bi friends?
did you molest me when I was drunk and sleeping in your bed?? LOL
… no, she didn’t
hehehe… it was the only way to get you to stop snoring :sleep
only for food, and water.
yes, but i’m selfish. none for you. all for me.
If you have ever been to Cape Cod, how do you like P-Town? If you have been there, isnt the sex store way down on the right past the army-navy look a like store fucking awesome!
would you rather hang out with gay guys or straight guys?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
LOL never seen this thread until, awesome !
thats crazy about the smoking, so true
Boys r’ us? hilarious.
nice reference.
Ummm I didnt pay attention to the name of the joint but I bet thats what it was… there was this one device called the “Pendilum” or some shit like that… one end went up the bummhole and then there was a little battery acutaited punching bag than smacked your sac. hahahah I I was laffin my ass off, there was a diagram and everything on how to use it! hahahahah