is it gay. . .

to watch a porno of a shemale fucking a lesbian?

im aware this is weird, but thats not the question
im also not asking if you specifically watch it, or would watch it, just if its gay to watch it

and no, i do not watch these, just a question that has been brought up and ive had a mixed sort of answers and id like to get more answers

How many she-males ??? haha

nah doesnt matter if its a lesbian…just a broad gettin F-ed. its prob less gay than regular since the guy has tits…


doesn’t have to be a lesbian
i see it as a dude with tits, so its like a plus

hmmm the 2boobs+2boobs=4boobs which gets a :tup: from me
1vag + 1 dong= straight porn

so im think the boobs to dong ratio is in favor of the boobs so i guess it gets the :TUP:

what if the broad straps on and bangs the shemale in the ass? thats probably gay then right?

is it gay if 2 of those shemale guys w tits or w/e are goin at it? since theres 4 tots bouncing around?..:shrug:

i agree
the strap on to the shemale id see it as gay, its like watching a girl fuck a guy in the butt…

i think you need to look at it in ratios. 4boobs w/o vag< 2 dongs tips the scales to gay for sure. now if a vag woulda been entered into the equation then its a whole new I think.:confused:

mike watches gay porn. he told me

im so confused.
do you wanna just take our shirts off and make out?

fuckin gay dude


how do you figure?

how is it any different from a dude fucking a girl, only difference is the dude has tits

or a lesbian fucking another lesbian with a strap on…

We need to go to the porn shop with jay and spend copious amounts of time in the she-male section LOL

If you have to ask then it is.

Kinda like when you hook up with a girl and she says “I don’t want you to think I’m a slut”. In her head she knows she is.


I don’t remember my answer from mighty but my face was very “ehhhhhhh” lol

“Do you like porn?”
“I love porn, you know that!”
“Do you only watch scenes with two women together?”
“No, I watch a man and woman making love.”
“Do you like the guy to have a small half flaccid penis?”
“No I like big hard throbbin co…”
~Ron White

And btw, this is the vid I fap to when I need to because I can only get off to girl on girl, vid number ten on red tube.


Well that’s interesting…


well…I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s gay, but it is really fucked up in my opinion. I doubt I would be able to watch something like this and take it seriously, but to each his own. Shemale on shemale = 100% without a doubt gay.