lady gaga has a dick

watch the vid at about 1.10 the penis pops out …its that or a huge clit:rofl


The sack just popped out :rofl

Fucking A

tell me about it


"Lady GaGa recently came out the closet and confirmed she is a hermaphrodite.

Lady GaGa allegedly said this about the subject:

It’s not something that I’m ashamed of, just isn’t something that I go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but I consider myself a female. It’s just a little bit of a penis and really doesn’t interfere much with my life. The reason I haven’t talked about it is that it’s not a big deal to me. Like come on. It’s not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I’m sexy, I’m hot. I have both a poon and a peener. Big f*cking deal."

That’s above the video.HAHAHA WTF.

i know i fapped to to her once .now im confused

not clicking that.


meh i’d still hit it.


haha plus rep! your a true warrior

edit: im out of rep bullets, so i guess il real-life rep you

Haha!! + REP!!


sucks…looks like she has a nice rack too. What a waste of fine boobs.



Id still let her blow me

what the deuce!